Data literacy is the ability to read, work with, investigate and communicate using data.
Achieving data literacy is a critical step to becoming a data driven business. Fostering a data culture equips every individual in your organisation with the insights they need to tackle the most complex business challenges.
In a recent global survey, only 24% of business decision makers indicated they had the Data Literacy skills required to adequately perform their roles.
Business Decision Makers
C-Level Executives
16-24 Year Old’s
As data experts, we help companies understand, analyse and use data confidently. Our tailored data literacy programs are aimed at organisations who want to achieve more with data and realise its full value. We are ‘knowledge curators’ who guide your team on how to use data successfully in their daily roles. This encompasses sharing the critical thinking skills necessary to interpret data and communicate its significance to others.
Understanding your teams current levels of data literacy
- This will be conducted via an online assessment.
- A detailed data literacy report spanning individual, departmental and organisational data literacy levels will be delivered.
- This report will create the road map to customise your company’s data literacy program.
2. Implementation:
Roll out of customised
literacy program
– Our implementation is effective, innovative and fully certified.
– We incorporate:
- Online LMS
- Follow a modular approach
- Include gamification
- Start with the areas where a high impact with quick results can be achieved
- Build the building blocks at Executive level that will encourage a data driven culture
3. Adoption:
We support your organisation with the necessary skills and tools to take ownership of the Data Literacy Program.
This includes:
- Process workshops and consultations to onboard the entire organisation.
- Subscription service to all the content on our digital learning platforms.
- Train the trainer options to identify Data Literacy Champions who can support a data driven culture in the long-term.
- Updated digital content to keep your team at the cutting edge of data literacy advances.
Can you spot the guy on the bike?
Data says only 0.5% of the data available in the world is being analysed and used.
That’s the same percentage represented by the cyclist in this image.